
App Review: BrainPOP ELL

Learning language is an enjoyable journey. The digital era has ushered in countless tools to aid this process. One standout application is BrainPOP ELL, an app specifically designed for English language learners. In this article, we will review BrainPop ELL app. We will discuss its features and benefits and how it can be used to enrich your child’s linguistic journey.

Features of BrainPOP ELL

BrainPop ELL is built around a curriculum of animated movies, language and literacy building activities, interactive features, and quizzes.

Interactive Features

Post-movie, children can engage in various interactive activities that reinforce vocabulary development, question comprehension, grammar, and verbal reasoning. This can include games, simulations, and skills practice.


To assess comprehension, each lesson ends with review activities and a quiz. This helps parents and children practice, gauge progress, and areas that may require additional attention.

Benefits and Components of BrainPOP ELL

Progressive Learning

The app is divided into three levels, catering to beginners, intermediate learners, and more advanced students. Each level builds on the previous one, ensuring steady progression.

Animated Movies

The app boasts an extensive collection of short, engaging animated movies. Each movie introduces linguistic elements in a narrative format, making vocabulary and other complex language concepts easier to grasp.

Sample BrainPOP video

Vocabulary Practice

BrainPOP ELL ensures that learners don’t just understand but can also use new words appropriately. There are vocabulary-building games and exercises accompanying each lesson.

Grammar Challenges

This app makes grammar, often considered the backbone of language learning, tangible and fun. Through interactive activities, learners can practice and refine their grammar skills.


Its colorful animations, intriguing storylines, ease of use, and interactive elements keep children engaged, making learning feel like play.

Shared Parent-Child App Use

When parents and children use this app together, it becomes more powerful.

Joint Viewing

Watch the animated movies together. Discuss the story, characters, new words introduced, and complete the follow-up activities.

Play and Learn Together

Engage in the interactive language activities alongside your child. It not only strengthens bonding but also allows for memorable teaching moments.

Strategies for Parents

Scheduled Learning

Set aside a specific time each day or week for BrainPOP ELL. Consistency enhances retention. For example, you might dedicate a few minutes every evening after dinner to BrainPOP ELL time.

Real-life Application

Model and offer your child opportunities to use newly learned words in daily conversations. If they learned the word “short” in a lesson, talk about, model language, and ask them about short things in the room.

Celebrate Achievements

Encourage and reinforce your child when interacting with the app and as they complete the activities and quizzes or move up a level.


  1. What age group is BrainPop ELL suitable for?
    • This app is designed primarily for students at the primary and middle school developmental age levels, but it can also be beneficial for older English language learners as well.
  2. Can it be used on multiple devices?
    • Absolutely! It’s compatible with both iOS and Android devices, as well as desktops.
  3. How often is this app updated?
    • Regular updates ensure fresh content, keeping the learning experience novel and engaging.
  4. Is this app suitable for children with language delays or disorders?
    • YES! It is ideal for children with communication challenges who are early readers and bey. Consult with your child’s speech-language pathologist for specific guidance for your child.

Additional Resources

BrainPop ELL

  • A detailed guide on how to maximize the app’s potential.

The Six Most Effective Instructional Strategies for ELLs—According to Teachers (Opinion) (edweek.org)

Summary and Conclusion

BrainPOP ELL stands out as a comprehensive tool for English language learning, offering a blend of entertainment, language learning, and educational enrichment. Parents play a critical role in their child’s learning journey, and this app serves as an excellent support tool. Parents can make an impact and continue to build their child’s language foundation by staying involved, using its features, and incorporating learned lessons into daily life.

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