
App Review: Unite for Literacy

Parents are faced with so many digital tools today, it is often hard to know which ones are best to assist their children’s learning. One of the standout apps in this arena is the FREE Unite for Literacy/Unite Books app. This detailed review aims to shed light on the app’s features, benefits, and components, enabling parents to make an informed choice and actively participate in their child’s language and literacy development.

Features of the Unite for Literacy App

Diverse Book Collection

The app boasts an impressive library of over 300 narrative and informational books with vibrant photos and illustrations that cater to a reading level from non-reader through the third-fourth grade. The books are categorized by topic and the variety of titles ensures that there’s something of interest for everyone.

Multilingual Narration

One of its standout features of this app is the multilingual narration, which allows children to listen to stories in a variety of languages. This not only taps into the many possible primary languages a child may have, it also enriches their understanding of various cultures and introduces them to new phonetic sounds.

Sample Unite Books Featured Book

Intuitive User Interface

The design is child-friendly with colorful realistic graphics and easy navigation, making it simple for children to explore with their parents or caregivers as well as on their own.

Benefits and Components

Enhanced Language and Literacy Development

The app’s diverse book collection and multilingual options present children with rich language with images to match helping them build their vocabulary, decoding, and comprehension and expression skills.

Parent-Child Bonding

The Unite for Literacy app is perfect for shared parent-child app use. Reading a story together fosters bonding and offers a platform for discussion, learning, and interaction.

Web-based Option

For parents and children who prefer larger screens or don’t have access to mobile devices, the app also has a FREE web-based option, making it versatile and accessible.

Strategies for Using the App

Set a Regular Reading Schedule

For instance, dedicate 15 minutes every evening for a shared reading session. This not only improves language skills but also establishes a cherished routine.

Theme-based Reading

Choose a weekly theme (e.g., animals, festivals) and pick books from the app that align with that theme. This strategy enriches knowledge and vocabulary in a particular domain.

Play the Narration in Different Languages

Occasionally switch between languages to give your child exposure to various sounds and phonetics. For instance, a story can be played in English first, then Spanish, or any of the other languages.


  1. Is the app suitable for non-English speaking children?
    • Absolutely! With its multilingual narration feature, it’s perfect for children from various linguistic backgrounds.
  2. Is the web-based version as interactive as the app?
    • Yes, the web-based version offers the same interactive features and can be accessed from any device with an internet connection.
  3. How frequently is the book collection updated?
    • The collection is updated regularly to offer new book choices to its users.
  4. Is there an age limit for using the app?
    • The app caters to a broad age range, making it suitable for toddlers through early elementary reading levels.
  5. Are there any in-app purchases?
    • No, the app focuses on providing a free educational experience there are no in-app purchases. Unite for Literacy also offers economically priced physical books and other language and literacy enriching materials on their website.

Resources for Further Reading

  1. Unite for Literacy
  2. Bilingualism in the Early Years: What the Science Says – PMC (nih.gov)
  3. Early Literacy: Policy and Practice in the Preschool Years | Reading Rockets
  4. E-Books vs. Print: What Parents Need to Know (scholastic.com)
  5. Tips to Support Shared Reading (pacer.org)


The Unite for Literacy app emerges as an exceptional tool for children’s language and literacy development. Its unique features and emphasis on multilingual content make it a must-have for a remarkable parent-child learning experience. By actively participating in shared reading sessions and employing the extension learning strategies, parents can significantly enhance their child’s grasp of language, communication, and literacy. The added advantage of a web-based version further broadens its accessibility. In a digital age, it’s heartening to see apps like Unite for Literacy bridging the gap between technology and foundational literacy skills. And this app is available to all for FREE!

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